
Shredder Yoga is designed for snowboarders + skiers who are looking to improve their riding, increase their confidence, and get in better shape for ski season. It is basic (no actual ‘yoga’ experience needed), but challenging. We focus on a lot of strength building to help increase the body’s capacity to tolerate force which proves to decrease your chance of getting injured more than passive stretching does.

This class is suitable for: Skiers and snowboarders, other athletes, or people just wishing to live a better life by getting healthier. Yoga is extremely beneficial for your body and mind. It is the perfect complement to your other sports.

Time + date: Wednesdays 5:30-7pm

Location: Golden Lotus - 802 Park Drive

Price: $120 + gst for 8 weeks

Payment: www.goldenlotusyogastudio.com or email Kristie at goldenyogastudio@gmail.com

Email info@jessicapyper.com for more details.