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My most powerful practice for success

I truly think that anything in life is a practice. If you want to be happy, practice being happy. If you want to be healthy, practice being healthy. If you want to be mindful, practice being mindful. You get it. This is why they say that yoga is a practice- because you're never done. There is no destination, you're always continuing to better yourself through a practice of self-love, mindfulness, stretching, and strengthening. Same with life, right? For a while now, I've been practicing gratitude and goal setting and am happy to introduce to you what I consider to be my most powerful practice for success: journalling.

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Your ripple

Every action, word and thought you put into the world has an impact on your life and on your environment (this includes people who are near you, too). Be careful with what you put out there. Are you making a positive difference or a negative one?


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It's a good bad day

There is no such thing as a good day or a bad day. The sun will simply rise and all natural life will continue on its own way of survival. A squirrel cannot have a bad day. The biggest difference between a squirrel and a human is our ability to think, analyze, and then overthink everything haha. If you can control your thoughts, you'll never have a bad day.

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The beauty of meditation

If you're not a regular meditation practitioner, you probably think meditation is a waste of time. I admit, I used to be one of those people. I had heard about all the benefits from meditation, and while I believed it to be true, I thought I was doing just fine on my own. I guess I assumed it was normal to be anxious after breakfast if I wasn't doing something active.

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